Our services include:
- Complete Automotive and Truck repair and service
- Towing featuring 2002 F350 extended cab with dual winches and 16,000 lbs capacity
- New and Used parts locating services for all makes and models
- Wheel Alignment featuring John Bean / Sun 4 Wheel Laser Aligner
- Air Conditioning Service featuring both Snap On in house and moblile equipment
- Undercoating Service featuring Silver, Gold, and Gold Plus plans
- Protractor Office software
- Mitchell Ondemand5 for state of the art repair and diagnostic information
- Identifix online diagnostic and repair services
- Coates tire machine and dynamic wheel balancer
- Volvo 846 Loader for salvaging operation
- 50.000lb. air over hydraulic shop press
- We have three torches (Oxy/acetelyn, MIG welder, and an ARC welder)
- We provide pick-up and delivery service anywhere in the Red Lake District